Awhile ago, I came across THIS at 4 Mars and 1 Venus and thought, HOW COOL! My kids (well, mainly my 3 year old and eventually my 16 month old) would love this!!! Sooooo.....I was wondering where I could get a super cheap Christmas tree....Beau turns 4 on November 13th so I was thinking this would be awesome to introduce to our family as a tradition!!
Well, it so happened my neighbors had a garage sale a few weeks ago. They were trying to pawn a Christmas Tree on me since they had 2. At first I was like, "No Thanks!" Then, I remembered the BIRTHDAY TREE!! They gave the tree to me for NOTHING!
Here is the tree unopened...well, infact, I haven't opened it yet. There could be dead mice in there for all I know! LOL
Here it sits in my basement....unopened.
Well, what's a Birthday Tree without our original homemade ornaments?!
Here is the start to the cutesy little ornaments I decorated for it. They are by no means perfect!! But that's okay because the little people that are going to see them are going to love them! AND that's what matters most!
Here is the first step: Grab some cardboard, trace circles and cut them out- GET YOUR GLUE GUN READY! YOU WILL USE LOTS OF GLUE FOR THE WHOLE PROJECT!
Next Step: Grab felt fabric and trace the same circle used on the cardboard. I found my felt at Michaels for $3. It was a holiday collection.
Next: Adhere the cardboard and felt together:
I put ribbon around mine too to hide the cardboard. I forgot to take a 'before picture.'
Next: Embellish as desired :) I used my Close To My Heart Cricut Cartridge for the Rosettes- Artiste....
Cute huh! Love it!! Next, I added a picture of my son from his 1st birthday....there will be an ornament from each age....I also used stickles for the dots around the edges.
Here is a finished look of the few ornaments I made: (sorry about the glare)
Thanks for checking it out and I hope I've inspired you! At least check out 4 Mars and 1 Venus! Super cute things!
Kim :)
AHHH! you have no idea how big my smile is over here Kim!! You Nailed that Christmas tree!!!! It looks great, and your kids are going to LOVE it! So happy you made one!! Great job girl!