Monday, January 7, 2013

How many pennies did I move?

You will never believe this, but I had an awesome week with Weight Watchers and Shredding!  I was able to move.....

7 Pennies!!

I was pretty strick with myself on WW and with the shredding.  I've read on WW that this may happen the first few weeks so I don't count it on happening every week- I know that would not be healthy. 

I felt pretty satisfied all week- drank a lot more water and ate a lighter breakfast and lunch.  By light I mean oatmeal and salads with fruit, veggies, yogurt, cheese, ham, egg, regular salad dressing.  This way I was able to eat a little more at dinner leaving me feeling very satisfied in the evening- this is when I tend to snack.

I'll continue to keep you updated on Mondays- Here's to a new week!


  1. WAY TO GO!!!! Congrats of that first week loss. I had gained 4 pounds during the holidays and happy to report I lost 5.1 this week so back on track I think. Now my goal is to get some exercise mixed in there. Maybe starting 10 min. on the health walker and building up to half hour if it doesn't kill me.
